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Many users are still hesitant to upgrade their operating system to Windows 10. This is particularly true of business - so if you move to a new operating system, the entire office, as is the new processes, training of staff and possible problems. Let us examine popular fears and explain why the new Windows - by far the best solution for business from Microsoft
Many users are still hesitant to upgrade their operating system to Windows 10. This is particularly true of business - so if you move to a new operating system, the entire office, as is the new processes, training of staff and possible problems. Let us examine popular fears and explain why the new Windows - by far the best solution for business from Microsoft

Tech-spider:Work in Windows 10: To be or not to be?
Tech-spider:Work in Windows 10: To be or not to be?

Desktop and application management

After the launch of Windows 8, some users confused by the new design of the home screen, and most importantly - the lack of the usual "Start" button. Because of this, many prefer to stay on Windows 7 or install an external shell that mimic the familiar desktop with the panel "Start" from Windows 7.

Those users who have been actively using the initial screen of Windows 8, did not like the fact that the classic desktop programs and modern downloaded from the Windows Store applications are managed quite differently.

The new Windows 10 decided to both of these problems by taking the best of the two previous versions of the OSes. The back panel system "Start", which has become more comfortable and got a lot of possibilities for personalization. Now you can attach icons favorite applications directly from the menu "Start" and immediately see the new messages, letters in the mail, and so on, to group applications by topic.

The list of most frequently used applications will be displayed in the left side menu.

The user can choose the mode in which it is easier to work now - in the desktop or in tablet mode. When you select the tablet panel "Start" takes up the entire screen as the initial screen of Windows 8.

But in Windows 10 eliminated the major disadvantage of the previous version - no matter what operating mode or user selected, all applications will be controlled from a single taskbar, which depends on the chosen mode of use, rather than on the type of application.

Also, in Windows 10 there are new options: work in multiple windows simultaneously within a single desktop and virtual desktops. This makes it possible, for example, to quickly move data from one Excel file to another, or to work on various tasks simultaneously in Word and PowerPoint. Virtual Desktop allows grouping open applications on tasks and projects, and you can create a separate desktop for recreation and entertainment to foreign applications are not distracted from work.

And again, you can now quickly view a preview of the existing applications in one box, to which we are all accustomed to such use tablets and smartphones.

Working with software and browsers

Contrary to the fears of many users, in Windows 10, you can continue to work with familiar software. This application updates and security will take place automatically. There will be no more versions of Windows - the OS will now be constantly updated independently.

Existing applications and browsers in the new Windows will run faster. Also, users will be able to try new browser Microsoft Edge - this is the first browser, where you can make notes and add comments directly on the page, highlight the desired portion of text and share links to pages already with his comments.

Tech Spider:Working with software and browsers
Tech Spider:Working with software and browsers

And to view a list of interesting articles to read, where you can save links, and a special reading mode. This mode takes away all distraction from the page content, leaving only the text that the user wants to read.


Of course, all of us are worried about the protection of their data, so most of these employees have to change your password from your desktop computer every 1-2 months. But very few people are able to remember so many passwords, and this scheme leads to passwords written on a piece of paper and glued to the monitor (in a slightly more sophisticated method of hiding under the keyboard). In any case, the level of data protection in this situation almost zero.

In previous versions of Windows have been implemented function fingerprint access, and with Windows 10 personalized access conditions have been expanded. Now you can get into the system using facial recognition and iris scanning.

Passwords are no longer needed - you can unlock the computer will literally force glance or a slight touch of a finger.
Still have questions on the use of new Windows 10 for business?

For corporate customers, Microsoft holds a special online training the Windows 10 for business: from the basics to safety." On it you can get acquainted with how to operate the new RESOLUTION Windows 10, and ask questions of employees.

Also, Microsoft will share their recommendations on how to use the new operating system for the optimization of business processes. For those unable to attend the broadcast will be available to record the event

Zubair saif

A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming

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