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Apple is widely known both in his homeland and in our country. However, there are a lot of interesting facts, unknown to simple users. We tried to tell the most interesting of them:
Apple is widely known both in his homeland and in our country. However, there are a lot of interesting facts, unknown to simple users. We tried to tell the most interesting of them:

Interesting facts about Apple !

Retina displays for the iPad makes LG, and previously was engaged in Samsung;
Samsung sold twice as many smartphones than Apple, but at the same time the company's revenue are equal, and income yields Korean manufacturer also doubled;

iPhone in Brazil is twice as expensive as the same in the United States; about a third of the chips for the iPhone 6 A8 produces Samsung; smoking next door to Apple computers removes the guarantee; number of Apple employees worldwide is about 80 000 people;

in 2012, the company sold 340,000 of iPhone smartphones on a daily basis;
the salary of employees of the central office is an average of 125 000 dollars, or about 690 thousand per month; overall sales of the company for the first three months of 2014 amounted to 43.7 billion dollars, which is higher than that of Google, Amazon and Facebook, together;

iPhone sales brought the company $ 26 billion in revenue, while the overall Microsoft made 20 billion during the same time frame; Apple turnover is 150 billion dollars in cash. This amount is enough to buy Facebook or Tesla, Netflix, Dropbox, Spotify together, and will surrender. Also, this amount is more than the US Treasury; the most expensive brands in the world recognized by Apple, Google and Microsoft, where the first holds the title for the fifth year in a row; all said the voice assistant Siri is sent for analysis to the company's servers, which subsequently kept;

iTunes has 800 million accounts, which means that the database service stored the data of 800 million credit cards, which makes it the largest in the world; Japanese fans waiting for us at the store the iPhone 6 for 7 months; users iTunes, signed a license agreement, pledged not to use Apple products to create nuclear weapons; a chance to get into Harvard greater than to find a job in one of the company stores Apple.

Zubair saif

A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming

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