This application is specially made for Hotel Reservation to Organize data and to perform tasks, which can be useful for Reservation.It can recored and analyze data of guests.With
this application you can not only see the past history of guests,stayed in the hotel but you can also reserve rooms for the future as well.You can also calculate the bill of guests on the basis of time they have spent in the hotel . This application is user friendly and one can easily use
this application you can not only see the past history of guests,stayed in the hotel but you can also reserve rooms for the future as well.You can also calculate the bill of guests on the basis of time they have spent in the hotel . This application is user friendly and one can easily use
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hotel Reservation
#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<windows.h> #include<string> using namespace std; struct Name // structure for naming in program { char first[20]; //character arrays for the names used in program.. char last[20]; char date[20]; int room; char cnic[20],mob[20]; }; //\\Functions prototyping//\/\\ void vacant_rooms(); //for vacant rooms| void customer_reserve(); //for reservation | void login(); //for login | void check(); //for the guest history void user_total(); //for user total on the time checkout void loading(); // for loading bar void help(); //for helping the user to operate the application void about(); //for about the program void del_resdata(); // in order delete //------------------------.>// int main() { system("color 34"); int a; int choice; char again; char x[20]; cout<<endl; cout<<" * * "<<endl; cout<<" ** * "<<endl; cout<<" *** Welcome to the Hotel Reservation Application ****"<<endl; cout<<" ** ** "<<endl; cout<<" * * "<<endl; cout<<endl; Beep(2020,1100); // causes the computer to beep char l=219; //for loading bar cout<<"Please wait while system is analyzing the data\n"; for ( int i=0; i<10 ; i++) { Beep(2000,500); cout<<l; } cout<<endl; cout<<"______________________________"<<endl; cout<<"Please Enter Username and Password to proceed: "<<endl; cout<<endl; login(); //function calling of login cout<<"______________________________"<<endl; cout<<endl; do { cout<<"Welcome to the Main Menu "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 1 to Reserve a room. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 2 to see the vacant rooms. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 3 to check out a room. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 4 to see the history of reserved rooms. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 5 to Delete the Reservation data. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 6 to see about the Application. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 7 for help. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 0 to Exit application. "<<endl; cout<<"Enter Here_: "; cin>>a; cout<<"_____________________________________"<<endl; cout<<endl; switch(a) { cout<<"________________________________________"<<endl; case 0: break; case 1: cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<" ** Welcome to the Reservation Menu **"<<endl; cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; customer_reserve(); // funtion calling break; case 2: cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<" ** Welcome to the Vacant Rooms **"<<endl; cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; vacant_rooms(); ///funtion calling break; case 3: cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<"** Welcome to the User Total Menu **"<<endl; cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; user_total(); //function calling break; case 4: cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<" ** Welcome to the History Menu **"<<endl; cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; check(); //function calling break; case 5: cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<" ** Welcome to Delete Reservation data function **"<<endl; cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; del_resdata(); //function calling break; case 6: cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<" ** About the Application **"<<endl; cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; about(); //function calling break; case 7: cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<" ** Welcome to the Help **"<<endl; cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; help(); //function calling break; default: cout<<"you have enter an invalid Choice "<<endl; cout<<endl; } cout<<"Press 1 to go back into MAIN Menu or 0 to terminate the program: "; cin>>again; cout<<"___________________________________"<<endl; cout<<endl; } while (again=='1'); cout<<"Thankyou! for using Hotel Reservation application."<<endl; cout<<"Have a nice day! "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Copyright(C) 2015. programming passion"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"_________________________________________"<<endl; system ("pause"); } //....................................................................// //....................................................................// void user_total() //funtion definition of function user_total { int choice,days,total1; char AC,again; int c=1000; int single= 3000; int doubl=4500; int suit=6000; int time=24; int service=300; do { cout<<"Which kind of Room did the guest stayed in? "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<" 1.Single Rooms "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<" 2.Double Rooms "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<" 3.Suits "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Select 1,2 or 3 . "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter Your CHoice Here_: "; cin>>choice; cout<<"__________________________________"<<endl; switch(choice) { case 1: cout<<"You have Selected single room. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<" For How many days did the guest stayed: "; cin>>days; cout<<endl; cout<<" Press Y for A/c and N for without A/c: "; cin>>AC; cout<<endl; if (AC == 'Y' || AC == 'y') { total1 =(c+single+time+service)*days; cout<<"Your Total Total bill + service tax = ("<<total1<<" Rs.)"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"______________________________"<<endl; } else if (AC == 'N' || AC == 'n') { total1=(single+time+service) * days; cout<<"Your Total Total bill + service tax = ("<<total1<<" Rs.)"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"_______________________________"<<endl; } break; case 2: cout<<"You Have Selected Double room."<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<" For How many days did the guest stayed: "; cin>>days; cout<<endl; cout<<" Press Y for A/c and N for without A/c: "; cin>>AC; cout<<endl; if (AC == 'Y' || AC == 'y') { total1 =(c+doubl+time+service)*days; cout<<"Your Total Total bill + service tax = ("<<total1<<" Rs.)"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"__________________________________"<<endl; } else if (AC == 'N' || AC == 'n') { total1=(doubl+time+service) * days; cout<<"Your Total Total bill + service tax = ("<<total1<<" Rs.)"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"_______________________________________"<<endl; } break; case 3: cout<<"You Have Selected Suit. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<" For How many days did the guest stayed: "; cin>>days; cout<<endl; cout<<" Press Y for A/c and N for without A/c: "; cin>>AC; cout<<endl; if (AC == 'Y' || AC == 'y') { total1 =(c+suit+time+service)*days; cout<<"Your Total Total bill + service tax = ("<<total1<<" Rs.)"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"_______________________________________"<<endl; } else if (AC == 'N' || AC == 'n') { total1=(suit+time+service) * days; cout<<"Your Total Total bill + service tax = ("<<total1<<" Rs.)"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"__________________________________________"<<endl; } break; default: cout<<"you have enter an invalid Choice "<<endl; cout<<endl; } cout<<"Do you want to checkout for another room? (Y/N): "; cin>>again; cout<<"___________________________________"<<endl; cout<<endl; } while(again == 'y' || again == 'Y'); } //....................................................................// //....................................................................// void customer_reserve() //function definition { Name guest; // guest is the name structure Name guest2; char choicedo; //for enter more data do { ofstream file;"User info input.txt",ios::out | ios::app); //openning txt file if(!file) { cout<<"Error: Cannot open file.\n"; system("pause"); } cout<<"Enter The Room # to be Reserved: "; cin>>; cin.ignore(); // to skip the new line character cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter Guest's First Name: "; cin.getline(guest.first, 20); cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter Guest's Last Name: "; cin.getline(guest.last, 20); cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter The Mobile no. of The Customer: +"; cin.getline(guest.mob, 20); cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter The CNIC of The Customer: "; cin.getline(guest.cnic, 20); cout<<endl; cout<<"The Name of Manager in Charge: "; cin.getline(guest2.first, 20); cout<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Date: "; cin.getline(, 20); cout<<endl; int a; ///for choice ///////////// cout<<"Press 1 to Save or 2 to cancel: "; cout<<endl; cin>>a; if(a==1) { cout<<endl; file<<" Guests Info"<<endl; cout<<endl; file<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; file<<endl; file<<" Reservation Data of Room no.: "<<<<endl; file<<endl; file<<"The Name of the Guest is: "<<guest.first<<" "<<guest.last<<endl; file<<endl; file<<"Mobile No.: +"<<guest.mob<<endl; file<<endl; file<<"CNIC No.: "<<guest.cnic<<endl; file<<endl; file<<"Name of Manager in Charge is: "<<guest2.first<<endl; file<<endl; file<<"Date: "<<<<endl; file<<endl; file<<endl; file<<"------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; file.close(); cout<<"Record Saved..."<<endl; cout<<"__________________________________"<<endl; cout<<endl; } else { cout<<"Record Was Not Saved"<<endl; cout<<"____________________________________"<<endl; cout<<endl; } cout<<"Enter Y To input an other data or Enter N to Exit: "; cin>>choicedo; cout<<"_____________________________________"<<endl; cout<<endl; } while (choicedo=='y' || choicedo=='Y'); //to enter more data //} } //....................................................................// //....................................................................// void vacant_rooms() //function definition { ifstream infile,infile2,infile3; //ifstream for file reading char name[89],name2[89],name3[89],name4[100]; int see; char again; do { cout<<"Press 1 to see the list of Single Rooms. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 2 to See the list of Double Rooms. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press 3 to See the list of Suits. "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter Your Choice Here_: "; cin>>see; cout<<endl; switch(see) { case 1:"infoVS.txt",ios::in); if (!infile) { cout<<"File not found."<<endl; exit(1); } else { while(!infile.eof()) { infile>>name>>name2>>name3; cout<<name<<" "<<name2<<" "<<name3<<endl; cout<<endl; } infile.close(); //closing the file } break; case 2:"infoVD.txt",ios::in); if(!infile2) { cout<<"File not found."<<endl; exit(1); } else { while(!infile2.eof()) { infile2>>name>>name2>>name3; cout<<name<<" "<<name2<<" "<<name3<<endl; cout<<endl; } infile2.close(); } break; case 3:"infoVSu.txt",ios::in); // opening file if(!infile3) { cout<<"File not found."<<endl; exit(1); } else { while(!infile3.eof()) { infile3>>name>>name2>>name3; cout<<name<<" "<<name2<<" "<<name3<<endl; cout<<endl; } infile3.close(); } break; default: cout<<"You have entered an invalid choice"<<endl; cout<<endl; } cout<<"Do you want to see the List of vacant Rooms again? (Y/N): "; cin>>again; cout<<endl; }while (again=='Y' || again=='y'); cout<<endl; } //....................................................................// //....................................................................// void login() //function calling { char log_file1[20], pass_file1[20]; char log_file2[20], pass_file2[20]; ifstream username,passward;"user.txt"); if(!username) { cout<<"File Not Found...."; exit(1); }"pass.txt"); if(!passward) { cout<<"File Not Found...."; exit(1); } // reading username from file 2.... username.getline(log_file2, 50); while (strcmp(log_file1, log_file2)) { cout<<"\nUser Name: "; cin.getline(log_file1, 50); if (strcmp(log_file1, log_file2) ==0) //comparing the username break; else Beep(3320,400); cout<<"\nInvalid Username.\n"; } passward.getline(pass_file2, 50); // reading password from file 2 while (strcmp(pass_file1, pass_file2) !=0) { cout<<"\nPassword: "; cin.getline(pass_file1, 50); if (strcmp(pass_file1, pass_file2) ==0) //comparing the password cout<<"\n\t Logged in Successfully!!!" <<endl<<endl<<endl; else Beep(3320,400); cout<<"\nInvalid Password\n"; } username.close(); // closing the file passward.close(); // closing the file } //....................................................................// //function definition ended //....................................................................// void check() /// function definition { char doagain; do { fstream data; char word[100];"User info input.txt",ios::in); cout<<endl; if(!data) { cout<<"File not found."<<endl; exit(1); } else { while(!data.eof()) { data.getline(word,100); cout<<word<<"\n"; data.getline(word,100); cout<<word<<"\n"; data.getline(word,100); cout<<word<<"\n"; data.getline(word,100); cout<<word<<"\n"; } data.close(); cout<<"Press Y to see the history again or N to cancel."; cin>>doagain; cout<<"___________________________________"<<endl; cout<<endl; } } while (doagain=='y' || doagain=='Y'); } //....................................................................// void del_resdata() ///function definition { char again; int x; fstream deletefile; do { cout<<"Enter 1 to delete the reservation data or 2 to cancel: "; cin>>x; cout<<endl; if (x==1) {"User info input.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); //trunc for delete data if(!deletefile) { cout<<"File not found."<<endl; exit(1); } else { cout<<"Data has been deleted from the file."<<endl; cout<<endl; } } else { cout<<"Data not deleted.."<<endl; cout<<endl; } cout<<"Enter Y to run this function again or N to cancel: "; cin>>again; cout<<endl; cout<<"_____________________________________________"<<endl; } while (again=='Y' || again=='y'); deletefile.close(); } void about() { cout<<"About the Application"<<endl; cout<<"______________________________________"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"This application is specially made for Hotel Reservation to "<<endl; cout<<"Organize data and to perform tasks, which can be useful for "<<endl; cout<<"Reservation.It can recored and analyze data of guests.With "<<endl; cout<<"this application you can not only see the past history of "<<endl; cout<<"guests,stayed in the hotel but you can also reserve rooms "<<endl; cout<<"for the future as well.You can also calculate the bill of "<<endl; cout<<"guests on the basis of time they have spent in the hotel "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"This application is user friendly and one can easily use "<<endl; cout<<"this application.Thank you!"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Copyright(C) 2015 programming passion"<<endl; cout<<"______________________________________________"<<endl; } //=======>Programming passion ===========>// //For more info visit our site void help() { cout<<endl; cout<<"This application will work according to the desired entries by "<<endl; cout<<"the user.The reservation data will be stored in a text file present "<<endl; cout<<"where the application is located.If the text file is not present "<<endl; cout<<"the program will not work properly and will terminate.Follow the "<<endl; cout<<"displayed on the screen.Select the proper option to operate "<<endl; cout<<"instructions the application.Goodluck! "<<endl; cout<<endl; }
the beep is cool~
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