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With the release of virtually every new iPhone users and the press are the reason to start a scandal. For example, the new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus iPhone, judging by many testers and users, CPU from Samsung is not just slow, but drains the battery even more.
With the release of virtually every new iPhone users and the press are the reason to start a scandal. For example, the new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus iPhone, judging by many testers and users, CPU from Samsung is not just slow, but drains the battery even more.

Apple denies problems with A9 processor from Samsung !

 Apple has noticed the messages and hurried to make an official statement on this matter. It is worth noting that the problem with the Samsung processor in iPhone 6S already named Chipgate - in the style of the previous AntennaGate and BendGate. According to the official report of Apple, the difference in energy consumption A9 chips from TSMC and Samsung is insignificant and invisible in normal use.

 However, there is a difference, but it is no more than 2-3%. Test video recording, as well as the results of benchmark Apple calls wrong and "deceptive." Many experts and publications note that synthetic tests, the results of which was found the difference in the chip from TSMC and Samsung, just might unnecessarily burden the CPU and, respectively, to increase heat dissipation and power consumption.

 Recall, it is known that the processor on TSMC's iPhone 6S faster and spends less energy than analogue from Samsung. Therefore, many users have learned to distinguish when buying a machine with different processors.

Zubair saif

A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming

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