Microsoft may be affected by two new lawsuits related to the automatic upgrade to Windows 10. In particular, one of the complaints was filed in the Court of the State of Florida: the three men argue that the corporation has violated the law protecting citizens from misleading advertising and unfair e and deceptive practices.
Microsoft may be affected by two new lawsuits related to the automatic upgrade to Windows 10. In particular, one of the complaints was filed in the Court of the State of Florida: the three men argue that the corporation has violated the law protecting citizens from misleading advertising and unfair e and deceptive practices. The second lawsuit was filed in the District Court of Haifa in Israel, there plaintiff became "happy" user Windows 10 after you install the update without his consent, has accused Microsoft of violating local "computer law".
In both cases, the protection of Microsoft claims that free upgrades are voluntary, and that users had been warned about this procedure. A company spokesman said:
This unfounded accusations, and we are confident that come out winners
It would be fair to say that a few weeks the court has satisfied the claim of the American businesswoman who has suffered financial loss due to the fact that her computer started working properly after the sudden installation of Windows 10. As a result, Microsoft had to pay her compensation of 10 000 dollars.
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Zubair saif
A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming
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