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Data consist of unprocessed raw facts. 2. Data is used as input in the computer 3. Data is not meaningful 4. Data is normally huge in its volume 5. Data is assets of organization and is not available to people for sale 6. Data is difficult or impossible to reproduce. Suppose government loses data of census .it almost impossible to reproduce it. 7. Data is used rarely 8. Data is an independent entity 9. Data is not used in decision making

The difference between data and information as follow:

  1. Data consist of unprocessed raw facts
  2. Data is used as input in the computer 
  3. Data is not meaningful
  4. Data is normally huge in its volume
  5. Data is assets of organization and is not available to people for sale
  6. Data is difficult or impossible to reproduce. Suppose government loses data of census .it almost impossible to reproduce it.
  7. Data is used rarely
  8. Data is an independent entity 
  9. Data is not used in decision making
  1. Information is the processed form of data
  2. Information is output of computer.
  3. Information is meaningful
  4. Information is normally in short volume 
  5. Information is normally available to people for sale
  6. Information is easier to reproduce if lost. For example if the list of illiterate citizens is lost, it can be reproduced easily from stored data.
  7. Information is used frequently.
  8. Information dependent on data
  9. information is very important for decision making

Zubair saif

A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming

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