Although in recent years the issue of optimal amount of memory (RAM) is not as prevalent as before, today it is still of concern to many users. Recently, even the cheapest computers have at least 4 GB of memory - an amount that once seemed unthinkable, as is currently the facts standard. Despite this, many are asking, that's enough? Accelerate whether the additional memory the computer, or special effect will not be?
Although in recent years the issue of optimal amount of memory (RAM) is not as prevalent as before, today it is still of concern to many users. Recently, even the cheapest computers have at least 4 GB of memory - an amount that once seemed unthinkable, as is currently the facts standard. Despite this, many are asking, that's enough? Accelerate whether the additional memory the computer, or special effect will not be?
The difference between the 4, 8, 16 or more gigabytes of RAM certainly there, but for the masses relationship between the amount of installed memory and the capacity of the PC is slightly blurred. In this article I will try to shed some light on this question and answer briefly, what is the optimal amount of memory and whether it makes sense to install additional RAM modules.
What is a Random Access Memory (RAM)?
Although computers have long become commonplace, many people still confuse the concept of "operational" and "local" memory. Misunderstanding often comes from the fact that both types of memory are measured in the same units - Recently usually in gigabytes (GB). Contrary to that the operational and the local memory are used to store information, they differ from the viewpoint of the storage period. RAM is usually several times faster than the local and used to store data temporarily. After turning off the computer, all data stored in it disappear. The local memory (hard disks and SSD devices) information is retained regardless of whether the computer is on or off. That is why memory is generally defined as volatile, and local - as a non-volatile.
How much memory do you need a PC?
For a long time attributed to Bill Gates the phrase "640K of memory is enough for all." Ultimately Gates himself issued an official statement saying that is not the author of this statement, which he described as pure folly.
However, in the early 80-ies of the last century it did not sound so ridiculous, because the volume of the order of 100-200 MB were considered huge. Today, even the cheapest computer systems have a 2-4 GB of RAM, and a local space for data storage is measured in terabytes.
Basic configurations have from 4 to 8 GB of the RAM, and high-end models (multimedia or gaming) offer 12-16 times 32 (or more) GB of RAM. So how can be called "the best"?Unfortunately, to give a precise answer, expressed in particular very difficult to figure, as the optimum amount depends on the tasks for which you use your computer. For example, on a Windows PC is only the operating system may require more than one gigabyte for their libraries.If you use the anti-virus program, it does 30-200 megabytes in the background according to the specific product. Most web browsers, office applications and media players require 100-800 MB or more memory. If you start them at the same time (ie, using Windows as intended - multitasking), these volumes are cumulative - the more running programs, the higher the consumption of RAM.
Champions for RAM consumption are video games. Popular titles such as Call of Duty can without too much trouble "swallow" 4-5 GB of memory.
Most modern laptop uses integrated graphics, which is also a consumer of RAM. Integrated in the core video processor does not have its own memory (as opposed to discrete solutions) and "eat" part of the available RAM. Therefore, if your laptop is equipped with the specifications 4GB of RAM and integrated graphics, Windows will tell you that is available only 3.9 GB (or less) of memory.
Other considerations
The optimum amount of memory has the software (perhaps correct to say the system) aspect.Older versions of the operating systems use 32-bit memory addressing method. Currently, it is already outdated and goes back to a time when the volume of more than 4 GB of RAM seemed unthinkable. That is why the 32-bit version of Windows just can not use more than 4 GB of RAM.Even if you have a better memory of 32-bit operating system will insist on the fact that you only have 4GB (although usually much less - 3-3.5 GB) of RAM. To make full use of the volume of more than 4 gigs, you will need a 64-bit Windows.
Another interesting question related to memory concerns the pace of filling the RAM, as well as what would happen if exhaust all available memory.
If the system tool 'Task Manager' shows that all the memory is almost completely exhausted, ie,all running processes are 70-80% or even more RAM, it is not a reason for concern. Microsoft has been seriously changed its philosophy with respect to memory management (memory management), and therefore, starting with Windows Vista, RAM not used by the company considers "bad RAM».
Since RAM is many times faster than any hard or solid state drive, Microsoft decided it would be better if Windows will keep as much as possible frequently used custom modules and applications is constantly loaded in the system RAM. Due to this when re-accessed system reacts much more quickly than when it again and again have to read them from the local disk.
That's the essence of the SuperFetch technology, which develops from the Vista era. The introduction of this concept points to one important conclusion - the more RAM there is available modern versions of Windows, the better (faster) they work. Of course, we are not talking about exponential growth - the biggest difference is when you jump from 2 to 4 GB of RAM. With each successive doubling - 4 GB to 8, 8 to 16 and so on, the effect on overall system performance will decline. However, if you regularly work with heavy programs, hold dozens of tabs open in the browser and play actively, the principle of optimal memory choice boils down to one simple thing: the more, the better.
If at any point the available memory is exhausted, Windows will not stop working. In such cases, the operating system is based on the so-called virtual memory . For this purpose a dedicated area on the local disk, and Windows on it records all data from RAM that are not currently in use, and at the request of the user again reads them using local disk resources. Since the local memory slower than RAM chips, the process of reading data from the disk takes much more time, during which the computer can significantly "slow down." If the system regularly accesses the virtual memory, it is a sure sign that it is time to consider extending the memory.
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