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Last month, Microsoft announced a reduction of free space OneDrive. Members reacted immediately by creating an online petition in the hope that the company change its mind.
Last month, Microsoft announced a reduction of free space OneDrive. Members reacted immediately by creating an online petition in the hope that the company change its mind.

30 GB OneDrive forever, but only on request !

The petition has gathered more than 70 000 signatures, so Microsoft had to provide an official response:
We heard we created frustration and dissatisfaction with Windows and OneDrive. We understand that the news affected all users of our products. We are sorry and want to apologize to the community.
Microsoft to revoke unlimited space for users of Office 365, but will retain the existing 15 free gigabytes and 15 gigabytes for the inclusion of automatic photo archiving (so-called bonus for the film). However, this option is only available on request, which can be done by clicking this link.
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Zubair saif

A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming

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