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 Firefox adds Pocket support, screen sharing and new developer tools in latest update

Firefox moving a step further has added new feature into the browser which makes it more appealing and even more use worthy,starting with the Screen Share feature

which allows you to share screens and video chat,that’s not enough because what Mozilla claims that it works with every browser and website.

The fun part is that you can groups into chat so a virtual meeting is all what is feels to be.

Are you busy in a meeting or you have some important chore to deal with?

Then why leave the document/article you were reading,Mozilla provides you the feature to pocket it down for later use so no matter where are you are and how much do you want to read you,now you have the facility to save it for later use,but the story does not end here the Pocket feature makes some adjustments for you as well curtailing all the Ads and other stuff which usually bothers or distract you from reading things.

A New Set Of Tools For Developers

you tired up from checking performance of your website or garbage collection and JavaScript call,no more pain to endure when you have this new toolkit from which you can view frame rates in a waterfall view,Timeline event for garbage collection and Flame Chart illustrating call stacks for selected ranges 

Zubair saif

A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming

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