#include<iostream> #include<string.h> using namespace std; struct info { char name[20]; long int ph; char type; }; int timing(); int main() { info d,p; int a=37; int *staff; staff=&a; char c; cout<<"\n\t !!..Welcome to Hospital Management System..!!\n"<<endl; cout<<"\t => Choose Doctors Access or Patient Access"<<endl; cout<<"\n\n\t => Press 'D' for Doctors & 'P' for Patient= "; cin>>c; cout<<endl; if(c=='D' || c=='d') { char ch; cout<<"\n\t*** Welcome to the staff Access ***\n\n\n\tDo you want to continue? Press 'Y' for continue & N for exit: "; cin>>ch; if (ch=='Y' || ch=='y') { int ck; cout<<"\n\n\tChoose one of the following options\n\n1: New Patient Entry\n2: Duty Shedule\n3: Total patients admit in hospital\n4: Enter no. of patients in your departement\n"; cin>>ck; switch(ck) { case 1: cout<<"\nPatient Name: "; for(int i=0; i<20; i++) { cin>>d.name[i]; } long int r; cout<<"\nRegistration no: "; cin>>r; cout<<"\nEnter 'e' for emergency and 'o' for out door: "; cin>>d.type; cout<<"\n Phone Number: "; cin>>d.ph; cout<<"Your given data is stored successfuly"; break; case 2: timing(); break; case 3: cout<<"Total patients admit in hospital are 1430\nDetails:\nEmergency: 900 \nOut Door: 530"; break; case 4: int no; cout<<"\nEnter no. of patients admit in your departement: "; cin>>no; cout<<"Your given data is stored successfuly"; break; } } else { cout<<"Press any key to exit..!!"; } } else if (c=='p' || c=='P') { int ptc; cout<<"***Welcome to patient access***\nChoose one of the following option:\n1: Registration for your check-up\n2: Hospital Timings\n3: Search by Department\n4: Total staff members\n"<<endl; cin>>ptc; switch(ptc) { case 1: cout<<"Please Enter the following information:\nName: "; for(int i=0; i<20; i++) { cin>>p.name[i]; } cout<<"Enter your phone number: "; cin>>p.ph; cout<<"Enter 'e' for emergency and 'o' for outdoor: "; cin>>p.type; cout<<"\nYour Name is now registered....Thank You..!!"; break; case 2: timing(); break; case 3: char depn; cout<<"Enter department name:- \nEnter 1 for Cardialogy, 2 for ENT and 3 for neoro"; cin>>depn; if(depn==1) cout<<"Dr .Athar Kashan\tRoom no: 23"; else if(depn==2) cout<<"Dr. junaid\tRoom no: 431"; else if(depn==3) cout<<"Dr.Hamza Shafqat\t Room: 75"; else cout<<"Invalid input..!!"; break; case 4: cout<<"Total staff members are="<<*staff; break; default: cout<<"INVALID INPUT"; break; } } return 0; } int timing() { cout<<"\n\t~~~ TIME TABLE ~~~"<<endl; cout<<"\nMonday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm\nTuesday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm\nWednesday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm\nThursday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm\nFriday: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm\nSaturday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm\nSunday: Only emergency is open..!!"<<endl; return 0; }
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