#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<time.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<stdlib.h> class user { public: char name[20]; char id[20]; int age; char gen; char psw[20]; user() { // cout<<"user constructor"; } void setperson() { cout<<endl<<"Enter name: "; gets(name); cout<<"Enter age: "; cin>>age; cout<<"Enter ID : "; gets(id); cout<<"Enter M For Male and F for Female: "; gender: gen=getche(); if(gen=='m'||gen=='M'||gen=='f'||gen=='F') { gen=toupper(gen); } else { clrscr(); cout<<"Please Enter M or F"<<endl; goto gender; } } void show() { cout<<endl<<"Name is "<<name<<endl<<"Age is "<<age<<endl; if(gen=='M') cout<<"Gender is Male"<<endl; else cout<<"Gender is Female"<<endl; cout<<"Id is "<<id<<endl; } int namecmp(char x[20]) { if(strcmp(x,name)==0) return 5; else return 8; } int pswrd() { char k[20]; pswrda: cout<<"Enter Admin Password: "; gets(k); if(strcmp(psw,k)==0) { clrscr(); cout<<"Thanks for Entering Right Password"<<endl; return 5; } else { cout<<"Wrong Password"<<endl<<"Enter Again by Pressing any Key"<<endl<<"OR"<<endl<<"Press B to go Back"; char p; p=getch(); if(p=='B' || p=='b') goto pswrde; goto pswrda; } pswrde: return 8; } void setpas() { char p[20]; cout<<endl<<"Enter Previous Password First: "; gets(p); if(strcpy(p,psw)==0) { char a[20],p[20]; cout<<endl<<"Thanks for Entering Right Password :)"<<endl<<" Now"<<endl<<"Enter the new password: "; gets(a); strcpy(psw,a); } else { cout<<endl<<"Sorry Wrong Password :(" <<endl<<"Good Bye"<<endl; } } }; class student : public user { public: int roll; int semester; float gpa; char prog[10]; char section; student() { strcpy(psw, "12345"); } int idcmp(char x[20]) { if(strcmp(x,id)==0) return 5; else return 8; } int rollcmp(int a) { if(a==roll) return 5; else return 8; } void setstudent() { cout<<endl<<"Enter Roll no: "; cin>>roll; cout<<endl<<"Enter Semester no: "; cin>>semester; cout<<endl<<"Enter program: "; cin>>prog; cout<<endl<<"Enter Section: "; section=getche(); section=toupper(section); } void nagirsps(char n[20],int a,char g,char i[20],int r,int s,char p[20],char se) { strcpy(name,n); age=a; gen=g; strcpy(id,i); roll=r; semester=s; strcpy(prog,p); section=se; } void shows() { cout<<endl<<"Roll no is "<<roll<<endl<<"Semester is "<<semester<<endl<<"Program is "<<prog<<endl<<"Section is "<<section<<endl; } }; class professor : public user { public: char dep[20]; int scale; char degree; professor() { } void nagidsd(char n[20],int a,char g,char i[20],char d[20],int s, char de) { strcpy(name,n); age=a; gen=g; strcpy(id,i); degree=de; scale=s; strcpy(dep,d); void setprofessor() { cout<<endl<<"Enter Scale: "; cin>>scale; cout<<endl<<"Press M for masters "<<endl<<"Press P for Phd"<<endl; degre: degree=getche(); if(degree=='m' || degree=='M'|| degree=='p' || degree=='P') { degree=toupper(degree); cout<<degree; } else goto degre; cout<<endl<<"Enter Department: "; gets(dep); } void setscale() { scalea: cout<<endl<<"Enter Scale: "; int a; cin>>a; if(a<0 || a>31) { cout<<endl<<"Invalid Input :("<<endl; goto scalea; } scale=a; } char deg() { return degree; } int depcmp(char p[20]) { if(strcmp(p,dep)==0) return 5; else return 8; } int idcmp(char x[20]) { if(strcmp(x,id)==0) return 5; else return 8; } void showp() { cout<<endl<<"Department is "<<dep; cout<<endl<<"Scale is "<<scale; if(degree=='M') cout<<endl<<"Degree is Masters"; else cout<<endl<<"Degree is PHD"; } }; class admin : public user { public: char post[20]; admin() { strcpy(psw,"1234"); strcpy(post, ""); // cout<<"admin constructor"; } void setadmin() { cout<<endl<<"Enter Post: "; gets(post); } void showa() { cout<<endl<<"Post is "<<post; } }; int main () { while(1) { man: clrscr(); cout<<"Press R to Register Students"<<endl; cout<<"Press P to Add Professor"<<endl; cout<<"Press S to Search"<<endl; char a; a=getch(); admin adm; professor pr[50]; pr[40].nagidsd("Imran Khalil",28,'M',"csitoop","csit",18, 'M'); pr[41].nagidsd("Maam Ansa",34,'F',"englishfun","english",19, 'P'); pr[42].nagidsd("Mazhar Rathore",29,'M',"discrete","Maths",20, 'M'); pr[43].nagidsd("Shahid Rasul",38,'M',"Senior","Csit",22, 'P'); student st[50]; st[40].nagirsps("Ahmad",18,'M',"uoscssa12",13,2,"bscs",'a'); st[41].nagirsps("Taimoor",21,'M',"uoscssa12",27,2,"bscs",'a'); st[42].nagirsps("Falak",19,'M',"a12",17,2,"bscs",'a'); st[43].nagirsps("Nabila",34,'f',"uoscssa12",60,2,"bscs",'a'); switch(a) { case 'R': if(adm.pswrd()==5) { wrn: clrscr(); int b=0; cout<<endl<<"Enter the number of Students to Register: "; cin>>b; if(b>0) { int c=0; while(c<b) { cout<<"Enter The Record for student no: "<<c+1; st[c].setperson(); st[c].setstudent(); clrscr(); cout<<"You Entered"<<endl; st[c].show(); st[c].shows(); getch(); clrscr(); c++; } } else goto wrn; } break; case 'P': if(adm.pswrd()==5) { int nop=0; cout<<endl<<"Enter the number of Professor to Register: "; cin>>nop; int prp=0; while(prp<nop) { cout<<"Enter The Record for Professor no: "<<prp+1; pr[prp].setperson(); pr[prp].setprofessor(); clrscr(); cout<<"You Entered"<<endl; pr[prp].show(); pr[prp].showp(); getch(); clrscr(); prp++; } } break; case 'S': search_again: clrscr(); cout<<"Press P for Professor Search"<<endl; cout<<"Press S for Student Search"<<endl; cout<<"Press B to Go Back"<<endl; char t; t=getch(); if(t=='P' || t=='p') { sp: int r=0; char y[20]; char x; clrscr(); //sta cout<<endl<<"Press I to Search by ID"<<endl; x=getch(); if(x=='i' || x=='I') { cout<<"Enter Id of Professor You want to search: "; gets(y); while(r<50) { if(pr[r].idcmp(y)==5) { pr[r].show(); pr[r].showp(); } } cout<<endl<<"Sorry Your Given ID is not in our Database :("<<endl<<"Press S to Search Professor Again"<<endl<<"Or"<<endl<<endl<<" .....Press any key to go to Main Menu....... "<<endl; char e; e=getch(); if(e=='s' || e=='S') goto sp; out: } } //END OF PROFESSOR SEARCH } else if(t=='s' || t=='S') { cout<<"Press I to Search Student by ID"<<endl; char c; c=getch(); if(c=='i' || c=='I') { ss: int r=0; char y[20]; cout<<"Enter Id of Student You want to search: "; gets(y); while(r<50) { if(st[r].idcmp(y)==5) { st[r].show(); st[r].shows(); } cout<<endl<<"Sorry Your Given ID is not in our Database :("<<endl<<"Press S to Search Student Again"<<endl<<"Or"<<endl<<endl<<" .....Press any key to go to Main Menu....... "<<endl; char e; e=getch(); if(e=='s' || e=='S') goto ss; sout: } else if(t=='b' || t=='B') goto man; else goto search_again; break; case 'Q': exit(); break; default: cout<<"default"<<endl; } } } getch(); }
C++ Student and Professor Information Database System
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