#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdlib.h> void makecar(int x, int y) { rectangle(x+1,y,x+49,y+100); rectangle(x+1,y+25,x+49,y+75); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,8); floodfill((x+x+50)/2,(y+y+100)/2,15); } void clear(int x,int y) { setcolor(8); rectangle(x+1,y,x+49,y+100); rectangle(x+1,y+25,x+49,y+75); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,8); floodfill((x+x+50)/2,(y+y+100)/2,8); setcolor(15); } void main() { int driver,mode; driver = DETECT; initgraph(&driver,&mode,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); int x=300,y=350,ch,life=3,score=0; char choice; { cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t**** Defender RACER ****"; cout<<"\n\n\tLong long ago ciit wah was attacked by terrorists."; cout<<"\n\n\tEvery student and Employee were"; cout<<"\n\n\tkilled except the beautiful princess sheela and you"; cout<<"\n\n\twho survived. Terrorists want to kill her and she is in your"; cout<<"\n\n\tcar right now. If you have the guts save her from terrorists"; cout<<"\n\n\tcars and marry her."; cout<<" \n\n\t\t\t\t Play this GAME & enjoy it................"; getch(); } cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t______________________________"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\tThis Project of car war in c++"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t"; delay(2004); for(int m=1;m<25;m++) for(int n=1;n<80;n++) { gotoxy(n,m); cout<<" "; } setcolor(RED); rectangle(20,60,200,120); rectangle(20,300,200,420); gotoxy(5,20); cout<<"ciit wah"; gotoxy(5,22); cout<<"has saved her till"; gotoxy(5,23); cout<<"now. So you can be"; gotoxy(5,24); cout<<"the 3-rd"; rectangle(249,0,401,getmaxy()); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,8); floodfill(325,getmaxy()/2,RED); setcolor(CYAN); rectangle(20,200,200,250); gotoxy(5,15); cout<<"Press <Esc> to Exit"; for(int level=1;(level<=5)&&(life>0);level++){ if(level==1) { gotoxy(5,5); cout<<"Your War Starts Now"; gotoxy(5,7); cout<<"All the best"; delay(5000); gotoxy(5,5); cout<<" "; gotoxy(5,7); cout<<" "; } else { gotoxy(5,5); cout<<"Next level."; delay(5000); gotoxy(5,5); cout<<" "; } for(int i=0;(i<15)&&(life>0);i++) { if((level==5)&&(i==14)) { gotoxy(5,5); cout<<"You have won"; gotoxy(5,6); cout<<"Wanna continue <y/n>"; cin>>choice; if ((choice=='y')||(choice=='Y')) main(); else exit(0); } setcolor(YELLOW); rectangle(420,125,600,175); gotoxy(55,10); cout<<"Level = "<<level; rectangle(420,250,600,300); gotoxy(55,18); cout<<"Lives = "<<life; rectangle(420,350,600,400); gotoxy(55,24); cout<<"Score = "<<score; int accident=0; int y1=1,x1=250+((rand()%3)*50); int y2=1,x2=250+((rand()%3)*50); score += 10; while(y1<getmaxy()-1) { clear(x1,y1); clear(x2,y2); y1++; y2++; makecar(x1,y1); makecar(x2,y2); makecar(x,y); delay(5-level); if(kbhit()) { makecar(x,y); ch=getch(); switch(ch) { case 27: exit(0); break; case 75:clear(x,y); if(x>250) x=x-50; makecar(x,y); break; case 77:clear(x,y); if(x<350) x=x+50; makecar(x,y); break; } } if((x==x1)||(x==x2)) if( ( ((y-y1)<100)&&((y-y1)>0) ) || ( ((y-y2)<100)&&((y-y2)>0) ) ) accident=1; } if(accident==1) { life =life-1; score -= 10; if(life==0) { gotoxy(5,5); cout<<"GAME OVER "; gotoxy(5,6); cout<<"You could not save"; gotoxy(5,7); cout<<"her"; break; } gotoxy(5,5); cout<<"You have lost 1 life"; delay(3000); gotoxy(5,5); cout<<" "; } } } getch(); }
car war game in c++ vb
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