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The bakery algorithm is a very different approach proposed by Leslie Lamport. It's based on the "take-a-number" system used in bakeries and delicatessens.


        A process waiting to enter its critical section chooses a number. This number must be greater than all other numbers currently in use. There is a global shared array of current numbers for each process. The entering process checks all other processes sequentially, and waits for each one which has a lower number. Ties are possible; these are resolved using process IDs.


typedef char boolean;

shared boolean choosing[n]
shared int num[n];
for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
num[j] = 0;

(for Process i):
/* choose a number */
choosing[i] = TRUE;
num[i] = max(num[0], ..., num[n-1]) + 1;
choosing[i] = FALSE;
/* for all other processes */
for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
/* wait if the process is currently choosing */
while (choosing[j]) {}
/* wait if the process has a number and comes ahead of us */
if ((num[j] > 0) &&((num[j] < num[i]) || (num[j] == num[i]) && (j < i)))
while (num[j] > 0) {}

(for Process i):
/* clear our number */
num[i] = 0;


Zubair saif

A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming

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