#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Node { char name; int number; char contactNo; char email; int count; struct Node* next; }; class ContatBook { Node* first; Node* current; Node* newNode; public: ContatBook() { first=0; current=0; newNode=0; } void clearInput(void); void addNewcontact(void) { newNode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(first==NULL) first = current = newNode; else { current = first; while(current->next != NULL)current = current->next; current->next = newNode; current = newNode; } cout<<"Enter contact name"<<endl; current->name; cout<<"Enter contact Phone number"<<endl; current->contactNo; cout<<"Enter contact email"<<endl; current->email; cout<<"contact added!"<<endl; current->count++; current->next = NULL; } void listAll(void) { if(first==NULL) puts("There are no contacts to display!"); else { cout<<"Acct No. is:"<<endl; cout<<"Name is:"<<endl; cout<<"Contact No. is:"<<endl; cout<<"Email is:"<<endl; current=first; do { cout<<"\n"<<endl; current->number; current->name; current->contactNo; current->email; } while((current=current->next) != NULL); } } void deletecontact(void) { int record; struct Node *previous; if(first==NULL) { cout<<"There are no contacts to delete!"<<endl; return; } listAll(); cout<<"Enter contact account number to delete: "<<endl; cin>>record; current = first; while(current != NULL) { if(current->number == record) { if(current == first) first=current->next; else previous->next = current->next; free(current); cout<<"contact %d deleted!\n"<<record<<endl; return; } else { previous = current; current = current->next; } } cout<<"contact %d not found!\n"<<record<<endl; } void modifycontact(void) { int record, result; if(first==NULL) { cout<<"There are no contacts to modify!"<<endl; return; } listAll(); cout<<"Enter contact account number to modify or change: "<<endl; cin>>record; result = findnum(record); if( result >0 ) { cout<<"Contact:"<<current->number<<endl; cout<<"Name:"<<current->name<<endl; if(prompt()) current->name; cout<<"Contact No:"<<current->contactNo<<endl; if(prompt()) current->contactNo; cout<<"Email:"<<current->email<<endl; if(prompt()) current->email; return; } cout<<"contact %d was not found!\n"<<record<<endl; } int findcontact(void) { char buff[20]; if(first==NULL) { cout<<"There are no contacts to find!"<<endl; return 1; } cout<<"Enter contact name: "<<endl; fflush(stdin); current = first; while(current != NULL) { if((current->name, buff) == 0 ) { cout<<"Acct#"<<endl; cout<<"Name"<<endl; cout<<"Phone"<<endl; cout<<"Email"<<endl; cout<<"\n"<<endl; current->number; current->name; current->contactNo; current->email; return 0; } else { current = current->next; } } cout<<"contact %s was not found!\n"<<buff; return 1; } int prompt(void) { char ch; fflush(stdin); cout<<"Update? (Y to update any other key to not)"<<endl; ch = getchar(); ch = toupper(ch); fflush(stdin); if(ch == 'Y') { cout<<"Enter new value: "<<endl; return(1); } else return(0); } int findnum (int recordnum) { int record; record = recordnum; current = first; while(current != NULL) { if(current->number == record) { return 1; } else { current = current->next; } } return -1; } void display() { Node *temp=first; while(temp != NULL) { cout<<temp->contactNo<<endl; temp=temp->next; } } }; void main() { //Node N; ContatBook C; int choice; do { cout<<"\nWelcome To The Contact Book"<<endl; cout<<"-- -----------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"1 - Add a new contact"<<endl; cout<<"2 - Delete contact"<<endl; cout<<"3 - List all contacts"<<endl; cout<<"4 - Modify contact"<<endl; cout<<"5 - Find a contact by name"<<endl; cout<<"-- -----------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"Q - Save and quit\n"<<endl; cout<<"\tYour choice:"<<endl; cin>>choice; choice = getchar(); choice = toupper(choice); switch(choice) { case '1': { cout<<"Add a new contact\n"<<endl; C.addNewcontact(); break; } case '2': { cout<<"Delete a contact\n"<<endl; C.deletecontact(); break; } case '3': { cout<<"List all contacts\n"<<endl; C.listAll(); break; } case '4': { cout<<"Modify a contact\n"<<endl; C.modifycontact(); break; } case '5': { cout<<"Find a contact by name\n"<<endl; C.findcontact(); break; } case 'Q': { cout<<"Save and quit\n"<<endl; default: break; } } }while(choice != 'Q'); }
Simple Contact Book
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