#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> class all { private: struct address { int house; char street[30]; char city[30]; char state[30]; char country[30]; }; struct age { int day; int month; int year; }; struct patient_info { char name[50]; address AD1; //nested structure implemented age A1; //nested structure inplemented int martial_status; int reg_no; int bld_group; int sex; } PI[100]; int task; protected: void enter_patient_info(); void show_patient_detail(); public: void software_detail(); void tasks(); char answer; char answer1; char ch; int serial; }; class date { private: int date; int month; int year; public: void enter_date(); void show_date(); }; class dob { private: struct dob1 { int date; int month; int year; int rem; } DOB11[100]; public: void enter_date(); void show_date(); }; int i=0; int rem; int count; int regis; int attempt; int temp; int show_count=0; all A1; //object declared date D1; //object declared dob DOB1; //object declared void main() { count=0; cout<<"Welcome to..."<<""; cout<<"***HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE***"<<""; D1.enter_date(); A1.tasks(); } void all::tasks() { attempt=0; D1.show_date(); cout<<"***HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE***"<<""; cout<<"**Hospital Management Tasks**"<<""; cout<<" *****************************"<<""; cout<<"Please select a task to do...."<<""; cout<<"1. Enter a new patient information ."<<""; cout<<"2. View detail of existing patient ."<<""; cout<<"3. View detail about the program ."<<""; cout<<"4. Exit from the program ."<<""; //other function remain cout<<"Enter your task serail :"<<""; cin>>task; switch(task) { case 1: { A1.enter_patient_info(); break; } case 2: { A1.show_patient_detail(); break; } case 3: { A1.software_detail(); break; } case 4:{ clrscr(); cout<<"Thank You for trying this program !!!"<<""; cout<<" This is the end of program...."<<""; cout<<"Press any key to exit....."<<""; getch(); exit(0); break; } default: { clrscr(); cout<<"Invalid task serial ."<<""; cout<<"Press any key to continue...."<<""; getch(); clrscr(); A1.tasks(); } } } void all::enter_patient_info() { clrscr(); answer='y'; if(count==0) { serial=1; } else { i=serial; } for(i=serial;answer=='y'||answer=='Y';i++) { PI[i].reg_no=i; temp=serial; cout<<"***ENTERING INFORMATION FOR PATIENT SERIAL NUMBER "<<i<<"***"<""; cin.get(ch); cout<<"Registration Number : "<<PI[i].reg_no<<""; cout<<"Enter the name of patient :"<<""; clreol(); cin.getline(PI[i].name,50); cout<<"Sex (1-Male 2-Female) :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>PI[i].sex; while(PI[i].sex!=1&&PI[i].sex!=2) { cout<<"Invalid input for sex of patient!!!"<<""; cout<<"Sex :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>PI[i].sex; } cout<<"***ENTERING ADDRESS**"<<""; cout<<"House number :"<<" "; clreol(); cin>>PI[i].AD1.house; while(PI[i].AD1.house<=0) { cout<<"Invalid input for house number ."<<""; cout<<"Again enter the house number ."<<""; clreol(); cin>>PI[i].AD1.house; } cin.get(ch); cout<<"Street :"<<""; clreol(); cin.getline(PI[i].AD1.street,30); cout<<"City :"<<""; clreol(); cin.getline(PI[i].AD1.city,30); cout<<"State :"<<""; clreol(); cin.getline(PI[i].AD1.state,30); cout<<"Country :"<<""; clreol(); cin.getline(PI[i].AD1.country,30); DOB1.enter_date(); //to calculate age cin.get(ch); cout<<"Martial status(1-Married,2-Not Married ):"<<""; if(count!=0) { clreol(); } cin>>PI[i].martial_status; while(PI[i].martial_status<1||PI[i].martial_status>2) { cout<<"Invalid input for martial status ."<<""; cout<<"Enter a valid martial status :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>PI[i].martial_status; } cin.get(ch); if(count!=0) { clreol(); } clreol(); cout<<"Blood group :"<<""; clreol(); cout<<"1. A+ "<<""; clreol(); cout<<"2. A- "<<""; clreol(); cout<<"3. B+ "<<""; clreol(); cout<<"4. B- "<<""; clreol(); cout<<"5. AB+ "<<""; clreol(); cout<<"6. AB- "<<""; clreol(); cout<<"7. O+ "<<""; clreol(); cout<<"8. O- "<<""; clreol(); cout<<"Enter :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>PI[i].bld_group; switch(PI[i].bld_group) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: { break; } default: { while(PI[i].bld_group!=1&&PI[i].bld_group!=2&&PI[i].bld_group!=3&& PI[i].bld_group!=4&&PI[i].bld_group!=5&&PI[i].bld_group!=6&& PI[i].bld_group!=7&&PI[i].bld_group!=8) { clreol(); cout<<"Invalid input !"<<""; cout<<"Blood Group :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>PI[i].bld_group; } break; } } cin.get(ch); cout<<"Want to enter information for another patient ? "<<""; clreol(); cin>>answer; count++; serial++; } clrscr(); A1.tasks(); } void dob::enter_date() { clreol(); cout<<"Date of birth"<<""; clreol(); cout<<"Year :"; clreol(); clreol(); cin>>DOB11[temp].year; if(DOB11[temp].year<=0||DOB11[temp].year>10000) { do { clreol(); cout<<"Invalid input for year !"<<""; cout<<"Please enter the year correctly :"<<""; cin>>DOB11[temp].year; } while(DOB11[temp].year<0||DOB11[temp].year>10000); } clreol(); cout<<"Month :"; clreol(); cin>>DOB11[temp].month; if(DOB11[temp].month<=0||DOB11[temp].month>12) { do { clreol(); cout<<"Invalid input for month !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the month :"<<""; clreol(); if(count!=0) { clreol(); } cin>>DOB11[temp].month; } while(DOB11[temp].month<0||DOB11[temp].month>12); } cout<<"Date :"; clreol(); switch(DOB11[temp].month) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: { cin>>DOB11[temp].date; while(DOB11[temp].date<1||DOB11[temp].date>31) { clreol(); cout<<"Invalid date !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the date :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>DOB11[temp].date; } break; } case 2: { cin>>DOB11[temp].date; if(DOB11[temp].year%4==0) { while(DOB11[temp].date<0||DOB11[temp].date>29) //for leap year { clreol(); cout<<"Invalid date !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the date :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>DOB11[temp].date; } } else { while(DOB11[temp].date<0||DOB11[temp].date>28) //for non-leap year { clreol(); cout<<"Invalid date !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the date :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>DOB11[temp].date; } } break; } default: { cin>>DOB11[temp].date; while(DOB11[temp].date<1||DOB11[temp].date>30) { clreol(); cout<<"Invalid date !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the date :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>DOB11[temp].date; } break; } } //end of switch clreol(); } void date::enter_date() { cout<<"First of all I need the current date ..."<<""; cout<<"Year :"; cin>>year; if(year<=0||year>10000) { do { cout<<"Invalid input for year !"<<""; cout<<"Please enter the year correctly :"<<""; cin>>year; } while(year<0||year>10000); } cout<<"Month :"; cin>>month; if(month<=0||month>12) { do { cout<<"Invalid input for month !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the month :"<<""; cin>>month; } while(month<0||month>12); } cout<<"Date :"; switch(month) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: { cin>>date; while(date<1||date>31) { cout<<"Invalid date !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the date :"<<""; cin>>date; } break; } case 2: { cin>>date; if(year%4==0) { while(date<0||date>29) //for leap year { cout<<"Invalid date !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the date :"<<""; cin>>date; } } else { while(date<0||date>28) //for non-leap year { cout<<"Invalid date !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the date :"<<""; cin>>date; } } break; } default: { cin>>date; while(date<1||date>30) { cout<<"Invalid date !"<<""; cout<<"Again enter the date :"<<""; cin>>date; } break; } } //end of switch } void date::show_date() //remove the goto ststements in this function { clrscr(); cout<<"Hello....It's "; cout<<date; rem=date%10; switch(date) { case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: { cout<<"th "; goto over; } } switch(rem) { case 1: { cout<<"st "; break; } case 2: { cout<<"nd "; break; } case 3: { cout<<"rd "; break; } default: { cout<<"th "; break; } } over: switch(month) { case 1: { cout<<"January , "; break; } case 2: { cout<<"February , "; break; } case 3: { cout<<"March , "; break; } case 4: { cout<<"April , "; break; } case 5: { cout<<"May , "; break; } case 6: { cout<<"June , "; break; } case 7: { cout<<"July , "; break; } case 8: { cout<<"August , "; break; } case 9: { cout<<"September , "; break; } case 10: { cout<<"October , "; break; } case 11: { cout<<"November , "; break; } case 12: { cout<<"December , "; break; } } cout<<year<<" "; } void all::show_patient_detail() { do { clrscr(); cout<<"Enter registration number :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>regis; cin.get(ch); show_count++; if(regis>0&®is<serial) { clreol(); cout<<"***INFORMATION FOR PATIENT REGISTRATION NUMBER"<<regis<<"***"; clreol(); cout<<"Name : "<<PI[regis].name<<""; clreol(); cout<<"Sex : "; clreol(); if(PI[regis].sex==1) { cout<<"Male "<<""; clreol(); } if(PI[regis].sex==2) { cout<<"Female "<<""; clreol(); } cout<<"Blood Group : "; clreol(); switch(PI[regis].bld_group) { case 1: { clreol(); cout<<"A+"; break; } case 2: { clreol(); cout<<"A-"; break; } case 3: { clreol(); cout<<"B+"; break; } case 4: { clreol(); cout<<"B-"; break; } case 5: { clreol(); cout<<"AB+"; break; } case 6: { clreol(); cout<<"AB-"; break; } case 7: { clreol(); cout<<"O+"; break; } case 8: { clreol(); cout<<"O-"; break; } } clreol(); cout<<"Date of birth : "; clreol(); DOB1.show_date(); cout<<"Martial Status : "; clreol(); if(PI[i].martial_status==1) { cout<<"Married "<<""; clreol(); } else { cout<<"Not married "<<""; clreol(); } clreol(); cout<<"**ADDRESS**"<<""; clreol(); cout<<"House no. : "<<PI[regis].AD1.house; clreol(); cout<<"Street : "<<PI[regis].AD1.street; clreol(); cout<<"City : "<<PI[regis].AD1.city; clreol(); cout<<"State : "<<PI[regis].AD1.state; clreol(); cout<<"Country : "<<PI[regis].AD1.country; clreol(); } else { if(regis==1) { cout<<"Database is empty !!!"<<""; cout<<"Press any key to exit to main task menu..."<<""; getch(); clrscr(); A1.tasks(); } attempt++; if(attempt==3) { cout<<"You have entered wrong registration number 3 times ."<<""; cout<<"Access Denied!!! "<<""; cout<<"Please try again later. "<<""; cout<<"Press any key to exit to main task menu..."<<""; getch(); clrscr(); A1.tasks(); } clreol(); cout<<"Sorry, the registration number is invalid ."<<""; cout<<"Press any key to continue...."<<""; getch(); clreol(); A1.show_patient_detail(); } clreol(); cout<<"Want to see information of another patient :"<<""; clreol(); cin>>answer1; } while(answer1=='y'||answer1=='Y'); clreol(); clrscr(); A1.tasks(); } void dob::show_date() { cout<<DOB11[regis].date; rem=DOB11[regis].date%10; switch(DOB11[regis].date) { case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: { cout<<"th "; goto over; } } switch(rem) { case 1: { cout<<"st "; break; } case 2: { cout<<"nd "; break; } case 3: { cout<<"rd "; break; } default: { cout<<"th "; break; } } over: switch(DOB11[regis].month) { case 1: { cout<<"January , "; break; } case 2: { cout<<"February , "; break; } case 3: { cout<<"March , "; break; } case 4: { cout<<"April , "; break; } case 5: { cout<<"May , "; break; } case 6: { cout<<"June , "; break; } case 7: { cout<<"July , "; break; } case 8: { cout<<"August , "; break; } case 9: { cout<<"September , "; break; } case 10: { cout<<"October , "; break; } case 11: { cout<<"November , "; break; } case 12: { cout<<"December , "; break; } } cout<<DOB11[regis].year<<" "; } void all::software_detail() { clrscr(); cout<<"***SOFTWARE DETAILS***"; cout<<" Programming Language : C++ "<<""; cout<<" Aim : Simulation of the software used in Hospital"<<""; cout<<"Hope you like it..."<<""; cout<<"Send your comments to : zubairsaif700@gmail.com ."<<""; cout<<"Thank You for trying this program. "<<""; cout<<"Press any key to return to the main task menu......."<<" "; getch(); A1.tasks(); }
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