12345Program Limitations This program Only process single digit operations Can't handle unary operation Only process left to right associativity
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315#include< iostream > #include< cmath > #include< cstdlib > #include< string > #define MAX_SIZE 20 using namespace std; template< class T > class Stack { private: T item[MAX_SIZE]; int top; public: Stack() { top = -1; } void push(T data) { if(!this->is_full()) item[++top] = data; else { cout<<"Stack Error"<< endl; exit(10); } } T pop() { if(!this->is_empty()) return item[top--]; else { cout<<"Stack is Empty"<< endl; exit(11); } } int size() { return top+1; } bool is_empty() { if(top==-1) return true; else return false; } bool is_full() { if(top==MAX_SIZE-1) return true; else return false; } void display() { for(int i=0; i< this->size(); i++) { cout<< item[i]<<" "; } cout<< endl; } T return_top() { return item[top]; } }; class Convert { private: bool num_flag; bool two_digit_flag; public: Convert(); string return_with_bracket(string infix); void to_Postfix(string infix,char postfix[]); bool prcd(char op1, char op2); int isOperand(char op); int isOperator(char op); bool return_flag() { return num_flag; } }; Convert::Convert() { this->num_flag = false; this->two_digit_flag = false; } string Convert::return_with_bracket(string infix) { return("(" + infix + ")"); } bool Convert::prcd(char op1, char op2) { if((op1=='+' || op1=='-' || op1=='*' || op1=='/') && op2=='(' ) return true; if(op1=='+' && op2=='+') return true; if(op1=='-' && op2=='-') return false; if(op1=='-' && op2=='+') return false; if(op1=='+' && op2=='-') return false; if(op1=='/' && op2=='/') return false; if(op1=='/' && (op2=='-' || op2=='+')) return true; if(op1=='*' && (op2=='+' || op2=='-')) return true; if((op1 == '-' || op1 == '+') && (op2 =='*' || op2 == '/')) return false; if((op1 == '#39; || op1 == '+') && (op2 =='*' || op2 == '/' || op2=='-')) return true; if((op1 == '-' || op1 == '+' || op1 =='*' || op1 == '/')&& op2=='^') return false; if(op1 == '^' && ( op2 == '+' || op2 =='*' || op2 == '/' || op2=='-')) return false; } int Convert::isOperand(char op) { return(op>= '0' && op <= '9'); } int Convert::isOperator(char op) { return(op=='+' || op=='-' || op == '/' || op=='*' || op=='^'); } void Convert::to_Postfix(string infix, char postfix[]) { int position, outpos=0; char c; int count = 0; char temp; char stacktop ; Stack < char > stack; for(position = 0; (c = infix[position])!='\0'; position++) { if(this->isOperand(c)) { postfix[outpos++] = c; this->num_flag = true; count++; if(count>=2) { this->two_digit_flag = true; } } else if(this->isOperator(c)) { count = 0; if(isOperator(infix[position]) && isOperator(infix[position+1])) { cout<<"\aMissing argument in between "<< infix[position]<<" and "<< infix[position+1] <<" in column "<< position+1<< endl; exit(9); } if(this->prcd(c, stacktop)) { stacktop=stack.return_top(); stack.push(c); stacktop = c; } else { while(true) { temp = stack.pop(); postfix[outpos++] =temp; stacktop = stack.return_top(); if(prcd(c, stacktop) || stacktop=='(') break; } stack.push(c); stacktop = stack.return_top(); } } else if(c=='(') { count = 0; stack.push(c); stacktop = stack.return_top(); } else if(c==')') { count = 0; while(1) { if(stack.size()==0) { cout<<"Warning!! Number of ')' is greater than '('" << endl; exit(2); } temp = stack.pop(); if(temp!='(') { postfix[outpos++] = temp; } else { break; } } stacktop =stack.return_top(); } else { cout<<"Invalid input"; exit(3); } if(infix[position]==')' && infix[position+1]=='(') { stack.push('*'); stacktop = stack.return_top(); } } if(stack.size()!=0) { cout<<"Warning!!Number of '(' is greater than ')'"<< endl; // exit(6); } if(!this->return_flag()) { cout<<"You must Enter Numeric value for calculation"<< endl; cout<<"This program cannot perform operations on variables"; exit(5); } if(this->two_digit_flag) { cout<<"Sory! Althoug u may have entered right string"<< endl; cout<<"this program is only for single digit operation"<< endl; exit(8); } postfix[outpos] = '\0'; } class Evaluate { public: double eval(char expr[], Convert &); double oper(int symb, double op1, double op2); }; double Evaluate::oper(int symb, double op1, double op2) { switch(symb) { case '+': return (op1 + op2); case '-': return (op1 - op2); case '*': return (op1 * op2); case '/': return (op1 / op2); case '^': return (pow(op1, op2)); } } double Evaluate::eval(char expr[],Convert &convert) { int c, position; char temp1; int count = 0; double opnd1, opnd2, value; Stack< double > stack; for(position = 0; (c = expr[position])!='\0'; position++) { if(convert.isOperand(c)) { temp1 = double(c-'0'); stack.push(temp1); } else { opnd2 = stack.pop(); if(stack.size()==0) { cout<<"This program cannot process unary operation"; exit(1); } opnd1 = stack.pop(); value = oper(c, opnd1, opnd2); stack.push(value); } } if(stack.size()>=2) { cout<<"Sory! this program cannot calculate this"<< endl; cout<<"Enter +, *, /, - or ^ between bracket"<< endl; exit(4); } return (stack.pop()); } int main() { Convert convert; Evaluate evaluate; string bracketted_infix; char infix[50], postfix[50]; char choice; while(1) { cout<<"Enter string: "; cin>>infix; cout<< endl; cout<<"Entered String: "<< infix<< endl; bracketted_infix = convert.return_with_bracket(infix); convert.to_Postfix(bracketted_infix, postfix); cout<<"Equivalent Postfix string: "<< postfix<< endl; cout<<"RESULT: "; cout<< evaluate.eval(postfix, convert); cout<<"\nCalculate another string?(y/n) "; cin>>choice; cout<< endl; if(choice=='n') break; } return 0; }
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