#include< iostream.h > #include< conio.h > class cirdlink { struct node { int data; node *rnext; node *lnext; } *new1,*head,*tail,*ptr,*temp; public: cirdlink() { head=tail=NULL; } void creation(); void insertion(); void deletion(); void display(); }; void cirdlink :: creation() { if(head==NULL) { new1=new node[sizeof(node)]; new1->rnext=NULL; new1->lnext=NULL; cout<<"enter student number :"; cin>>new1->data; head=new1; tail=new1; head->rnext=tail; head->lnext=tail; tail->rnext=head; tail->lnext=head; } else cout<<" creation done only once !"; } void cirdlink :: insertion() { int i,pos; new1=new node[sizeof(node)]; new1->rnext=NULL; new1->lnext=NULL; cout<<"enter student number :"; cin>>new1->data; cout<<"enter position you want to insert :"; cin>>pos; if(pos==1) { new1->rnext=head; head=new1; tail->lnext=head; tail->rnext=head; head->lnext=tail; } else { i=1; temp=head; while(i < pos-1 && temp->rnext!=tail) { i++; temp=temp->rnext; } if(temp->rnext==tail) { new1->rnext=tail->rnext; tail->rnext=new1; new1->lnext=tail; tail=new1; head->lnext=tail; } else { new1->rnext=temp->rnext; new1->lnext=temp; temp->rnext=new1; new1->rnext->lnext=new1; } } } void cirdlink :: deletion() { int pos,i; cout<<"Enter Position you want to Delete ?"; cin>>pos; if(pos==1 && head!=tail) { ptr=head; head=head->rnext; head->lnext=tail; tail->rnext=head; delete ptr; } else { i=1; temp=head; while(i < pos-1 && temp->rnext!=tail) { i++; temp=temp->rnext; } if(temp->rnext!=tail) { ptr=temp->rnext; temp->rnext=ptr->rnext; ptr->rnext->lnext=ptr->lnext; delete ptr; } else { if(temp->rnext==tail && head!=tail) { ptr=tail; tail=temp; tail->rnext=head; head->lnext=tail; delete ptr; } else { head=NULL; tail=NULL; delete head; delete tail; } } } } void cirdlink::display() { int ch; cout<<"1.forward 2.backward:"; cout<<"Enter your choice<1/2>?"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: if(head!=NULL) { temp=head; while(temp!=tail) { cout<< temp->data<<" "; temp=temp->rnext; } if(temp==tail) cout<< temp->data; } break; case 2 : if(tail!=NULL) { temp=tail; while(temp!=head) { cout<< temp->data<<" "; temp=temp->lnext; } if(temp==head) cout<< temp->data; } break; } } void main() { cirdlink c1; int ch; char op; do { clrscr(); cout<<"----------Menu------------"; cout<<" 1.Creation 2.Insertion 3.Deletion 4.Display "; cout<<"Enter Your choice <1..4> ?"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1 : c1.creation(); break; case 2 : c1.insertion(); break; case 3 : c1.deletion(); break; case 4 : c1.display(); break; } cout<<"Do you want to continue < Y/N > ?"; cin>>op; } while(op=='y' || op=='Y'); getch(); }
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