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  •  C++ Programming Language Tutorials - C++ Programming Language Tutorials. 
  • C++ Programming - This book covers the C++ programming language, its interactions with software design and real life use of the language. 
  • C++ FAQ - C++ Frequently Asked Questions 
  • Free Country - The Free Country provides free C++ source code and C++ libraries for a number of C++ programming areas including compression, archiving, game programming, the Standard Template Library and GUI programming. 
  • C and C++ Users Group - The C and C++ Users Group provides free source code from C++ projects in a variety of programming areas including AI, animation, compilers, databases, debugging, encryption, games, graphics, GUI, language tools, system programming and more.

Useful Books on C++

The C++ Programming LanguageThe C++ Programming LanguageC++ in a Nutshell
C++ Programming in Easy StepsC++ Primer PlusSams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day

Zubair saif

A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming

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