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With the development of technology, the communication techniques are becoming more enhanced in terms of efficiency, speed and economy. Today, chatting has been the most widely used means of communication being cheap and faster than all chat room other communication systems

With the development of technology, the communication techniques are becoming more enhanced in terms of efficiency, speed and economy. Today, chatting has been the most widely used means of communication being cheap and faster than all 
Php Chat Room Project
chat room
other communication systems. It is equally good for sending messages as well as files – documents and pictures.This Chat Room application in PHP is an online chat system developed using MySQL database. This application resembles currently popular instant messaging systems such as Yahoo and Facebook to some extent.
The project aims at facilitating instant messaging operation among the online users. 
you can download source code Here 

Zubair saif

A passionate writer who loves to write on new technology and programming

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